This graph shows a student’s distance from home over time.

Which statements best describe the student’s journey?

(2 points)

The student left home and never came back during this journey.
The student left home and never came back during this journey.

The student climbed 3 hills during his journey.
The student climbed 3 hills during his journey.

The student went further away from home each time he left the house.
The student went further away from home each time he left the house.

The student rested 3 times during his journey.
The student rested 3 times during his journey.

The student went up and down the neighborhood looking for his dog.
The student went up and down the neighborhood looking for his dog.

The student left and came back home twice on this journey.

The statement "The student left and came back home twice on this journey" best describes the student's journey.

its multianswer

Apologies for the misunderstanding. Based on the given graph, the statements that best describe the student's journey are:

1. The student climbed 3 hills during his journey.
2. The student went further away from home each time he left the house.
3. The student rested 3 times during his journey.
4. The student left and came back home twice on this journey.

To determine the statements that best describe the student's journey based on the graph, you can analyze the graph's features:

1. The student left home and never came back during this journey: FALSE. The graph shows that the student's distance from home fluctuates, indicating that the student did come back home at least once.

2. The student climbed 3 hills during his journey: FALSE. The graph does not provide information about hills or specific landmarks. It only shows the distance from home over time.

3. The student went further away from home each time he left the house: FALSE. The graph shows instances where the student's distance from home increases and decreases, suggesting that the student did not always go further away from home.

4. The student rested 3 times during his journey: FALSE. The graph does not indicate any specific instances of rest or breaks during the student's journey.

5. The student went up and down the neighborhood looking for his dog: FALSE. The graph does not provide information about the purpose or intention of the student's journey. It only represents the student's distance from home over time.

6. The student left and came back home twice on this journey: TRUE. The graph shows two instances where the student's distance from home returns to the starting point, indicating that the student left home and came back twice during the journey.

Based on the analysis of the graph, the statement that best describes the student's journey is: The student left and came back home twice on this journey.