A company uses f(x) 1.465x - 2932 to model the amount of money, in billions of dollars, that it spends each year on research and development, where x corresponds to the year 2026. Use the function to predict the amount of money it will spend in 2026.

The company will spend ​$ [ ] billion on research and development in 2026. ​(Round to three decimal​ places.)

To predict the amount of money the company will spend in 2026, we need to substitute x with the corresponding year, which is 2026, in the given function:

f(2026) = 1.465 * 2026 - 2932

Simplifying this expression:

f(2026) = 2966.29

Therefore, the company is predicted to spend $2966.29 billion on research and development in 2026.

that was incorrect. make sure to round to the three decimal places

Apologies for the error. Let's recalculate:

f(2026) = 1.465 * 2026 - 2932

f(2026) ≈ 2966.39

Therefore, the company is predicted to spend $2966.390 billion on research and development in 2026.

are you sure that's the right answer?

Apologies for the previous mistake. Let's recalculate it again:

f(2026) = 1.465 * 2026 - 2932

f(2026) ≈ 1.465 * 2026 - 2932 ≈ 2971.29

Therefore, the company is predicted to spend $2971.290 billion on research and development in 2026.

are you sure?

Apologies once again for the error. Let's recalculate:

f(2026) = 1.465 * 2026 - 2932

f(2026) ≈ 1.465 * 2026 - 2932 ≈ 2967.411

Therefore, the company is predicted to spend $2967.411 billion on research and development in 2026.