Quadrilateral QRST has vertices at Q(−1,5)

, R(2,8)
, S(4,4)
, and T(1,1)
. The measure of Angle Q is 108°
 and the measure of angle R is 108−2x
. In 3-5 sentences, determine if quadrilateral QRST is a parallelogram, and if so, solve for x.​(4 points)
talk like a 13 yr kid

So, to figure out if this quadrilateral QRST is a parallelogram, we need to see if opposite sides are parallel. But first, let's find out the value of x. We know that angle Q is 108°, so angle R must be 108 - 2x degrees. Now, if opposite angles are equal, that means this could be a parallelogram. So, we need to see if angle Q is equal to angle S. If they are equal, then this quadrilateral QRST is indeed a parallelogram, and we can find x by equating the angles.