What is the total of the oxidation numbers of oxygen atoms in sodium peroxide?

a) +4
b) +2
c) -4
d) -2
e) 0

To determine the oxidation number of oxygen in sodium peroxide, we first need to determine the oxidation numbers for the other elements.

The oxidation number of sodium (Na) is always +1 in its compounds.

The overall charge of the compound sodium peroxide (Na2O2) is 0 because it is a neutral compound.

Let x be the oxidation number of oxygen (O). Since there are two oxygen atoms in sodium peroxide, we can write the following equation:

(2 x oxidation number of O) + (2 x oxidation number of Na) = 0

(2 x) + (2(+1)) = 0

2x + 2 = 0

2x = -2

x = -1

Therefore, the oxidation number of oxygen in sodium peroxide is -1.

The sum of the oxidation numbers of the oxygen atoms in sodium peroxide is (-1) + (-1) = -2.

Therefore, the correct option is d) -2.

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