1 onion, 3 tomatoes

2 onion, 6 tomatoes
3 onion, 9 tomatoes
4 onion, 12 tomatoes
plot each ordered pair in the coordinate plane to show the ratio of onions to tomatoes in each batch

To plot each ordered pair in the coordinate plane, we will use the number of onions as the x-coordinate and the number of tomatoes as the y-coordinate.

For the first ordered pair (1 onion, 3 tomatoes), we have (1, 3).

For the second ordered pair (2 onions, 6 tomatoes), we have (2, 6).

For the third ordered pair (3 onions, 9 tomatoes), we have (3, 9).

For the fourth ordered pair (4 onions, 12 tomatoes), we have (4, 12).

Plotting these points in the coordinate plane, we get:

(1, 3)
(2, 6)
(3, 9)
(4, 12)

The graph would have the points plotted along the line that passes through the origin (0,0) and has a slope of 3 (since the ratio of onions to tomatoes is always 1:3).