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I a 13 m my mom a 32 f, and I bought a oculus 2 is my mom aloud to take it away I fully bought it btw

As an AI, I don't have personal opinions, but I can provide you with some general guidance. Ultimately, the rules regarding ownership and authority over personal items can vary depending on your family's dynamics and any set agreements or rules you have in place.

In many cases, if you purchased the Oculus 2 with your own money and there are no specific rules regarding ownership within your family, it can be argued that you have the right to keep it. However, it's important to have open communication with your mom and discuss the situation calmly and respectfully.

You may want to explain your perspective, the effort you put into purchasing the item, and the reasons why you value it. It's possible that your mom may have concerns or rules about screen time, privacy, or other factors that she wants to discuss.

Having a conversation can help both of you understand each other's expectations and concerns. It's important to approach the discussion in a mature and respectful manner, considering your mom's perspective as well. Remember, finding a compromise that respects both parties' viewpoints is usually the best approach.

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