susan makes $5 per hour baby sitting and $7 per hour as a lifegaurd. her goal is to make at least $140. let x= the number of hours that susan babysits. let y = the number of hours that susan works as a lifeguard. which of the following represents three possible solutions to the problem?

A) (10, 10)

B) (8, 12)
C) (15, 3)
D) (20, 0)

To find the possible solutions, we need to find the values of x and y that satisfy the given conditions.

Since Susan makes $5 per hour babysitting and $7 per hour as a lifeguard, her total earnings can be represented as 5x + 7y.

According to the problem, Susan's goal is to make at least $140, so we have the inequality: 5x + 7y ≥ 140.

Let's check each option given:

A) (10, 10):
Substituting x = 10 and y = 10 into the inequality, we get: 5(10) + 7(10) = 50 + 70 = 120. This is less than 140, so option A is not a valid solution.

B) (8, 12):
Substituting x = 8 and y = 12 into the inequality, we get: 5(8) + 7(12) = 40 + 84 = 124. This is less than 140, so option B is not a valid solution.

C) (15, 3):
Substituting x = 15 and y = 3 into the inequality, we get: 5(15) + 7(3) = 75 + 21 = 96. This is less than 140, so option C is not a valid solution.

D) (20, 0):
Substituting x = 20 and y = 0 into the inequality, we get: 5(20) + 7(0) = 100 + 0 = 100. This is less than 140, so option D is not a valid solution.

None of the given options satisfy the condition of earning at least $140, so none of them represent possible solutions to the problem.