• What is your understanding of Genius Hour? How would you explain it to someone who had never heard about it?

• List two possible topics you would like to explore for Genius Hour.
• Write three questions specific to each of the 3 topics you listed above.
• Decide which idea you will focus on.

• My understanding of Genius Hour is that it is a student-centered learning approach where students are given the freedom to explore their passions and interests during a designated time in school. It allows students to pursue self-directed, inquiry-based projects, which can range from various topics or activities. The purpose is to encourage curiosity, creativity, and critical thinking skills by empowering students to take ownership of their learning.

• Two possible topics I would like to explore for Genius Hour are:
1. Sustainable agriculture: How can we promote environmentally friendly farming practices to ensure long-term food security?
2. Augmented reality in education: How can we utilize AR technology to enhance student learning experiences?

• Questions specific to sustainable agriculture:
1. What are some innovative methods for reducing the use of pesticides in agriculture?
2. How can vertical farming contribute to sustainable agriculture?
3. What are the social and economic implications of transitioning to more sustainable farming practices?

• Questions specific to augmented reality in education:
1. What are the potential benefits of incorporating AR technology in classrooms?
2. How can AR be used to make complex subjects more engaging and accessible for students?
3. What challenges need to be addressed in implementing AR in educational settings?

• After considering both ideas, I would focus on exploring the topic of augmented reality in education.