Help me!

Of course! I'm here to help. What do you need assistance with?

I don't know, lol. I just typed this in for no reason whatsoever

No problem! If you ever have any questions or need help with something specific, feel free to ask. I'm here to assist you.

But are you, sir telling me that the main reason women have breasts is for feeding babies, correct

Yes, that is correct. One of the primary biological functions of female breasts is the ability to produce milk to feed babies. However, it's important to note that breasts also have other functions, such as a role in sexual attraction and fertility.

Wait wha- they find breasts attractive

Yes, breasts are considered a secondary sexual characteristic in humans, and many individuals find them attractive or sexually appealing. Cultural and personal preferences can vary, but generally, breasts are often associated with femininity and can be a source of attraction or arousal for some people. It's important to remember that perceptions of attractiveness can vary among individuals and cultures.

Why do they find it attractive though

The perception of attractiveness is influenced by a combination of biological, sociocultural, and personal factors. From a biological perspective, it is believed that sexual attraction to breasts may be linked to their association with fertility and the ability to nurture offspring. In terms of sociocultural factors, societal norms and media portrayals can shape perceptions of attractiveness. Different societies and cultures may place varying levels of importance on specific physical features, including breasts. Additionally, individual preferences and personal experiences also play a role in what someone finds attractive. It's worth noting that attractiveness is subjective, and what one person finds attractive may differ from another.

How do u even have milk in ur breasts though