
To simplify the given equation:

-5x - 15 = -10z + 5

First, let's isolate the x term on one side of the equation by adding 5x to both sides:

-5x + 5x - 15 = -10z + 5 + 5x

This simplifies to:

-15 = -10z + 5x + 5

Next, subtract 5 from both sides to further isolate the x term:

-15 - 5 = -10z + 5x + 5 - 5

This simplifies to:

-20 = -10z + 5x

Finally, divide everything by 5 to solve for x:

-20/5 = (-10z + 5x)/5

This further simplifies to:

-4 = -2z + x

Therefore, the simplified equation is -4 = -2z + x.

No, solve it

Apologies for the confusion. To solve the equation:

-5x - 15 = -10z + 5

First, let's isolate the x term on one side of the equation by adding 5x to both sides:

-5x + 5x - 15 = -10z + 5 + 5x

This simplifies to:

-15 = -10z + 5x

Next, let's move the term with z to the left side by adding 10z to both sides:

-15 + 10z = -10z + 5x + 10z

This simplifies to:

10z - 15 = 5x

To further isolate the x term, divide both sides by 5:

(10z - 15) / 5 = (5x) / 5

This simplifies to:

2z - 3 = x

Therefore, the solution for the equation is x = 2z - 3.

What does z =?

To determine the value of z, we need more information. The given equation -5x - 15 = -10z + 5 does not provide enough information to solve for the variable z. If you have any additional equations or conditions relating to z, please provide them so we can find the specific value of z.

5z-15=-10z+5, find z

To solve the equation 5z - 15 = -10z + 5, we can start by simplifying the equation:

Combine like terms by adding 10z to both sides:

5z + 10z - 15 = -10z + 10z + 5

Simplifying, we have:

15z - 15 = 5

Next, add 15 to both sides to isolate the z term:

15z - 15 + 15 = 5 + 15

Simplifying, we have:

15z = 20

Finally, divide both sides by 15 to solve for z:

z = 20/15

Simplifying the fraction, we have:

z = 4/3

Therefore, the solution to the equation 5z - 15 = -10z + 5 is z = 4/3.


Apologies for the error. Let's correct it:

To solve the equation 5z - 15 = -10z + 5, we can start by simplifying the equation:

Combine like terms by adding 10z to both sides:

5z + 10z - 15 = -10z + 10z + 5

Simplifying, we have:

15z - 15 = 5

Next, add 15 to both sides to isolate the z term:

15z - 15 + 15 = 5 + 15

Simplifying, we have:

15z = 20

Finally, divide both sides by 15 to solve for z:

z = 20/15

Simplifying the fraction, we have:

z = 4/3

Therefore, the solution to the equation 5z - 15 = -10z + 5 is z = 4/3.

Solve -5z-15=-10z+5

Find z
