A music class has an enrolment of 121 pupils. 7 11 of the pupils wear glasses. How many of the pupils do not wear glasses?

It appears there may be a typo in your message. If you are trying to say "7 out of 11 pupils wear glasses," we would calculate it as follows:

First, we need to find out the total number of pupils who wear glasses. To do that, we divide the enrollment of 121 pupils into 11 equal groups (since the fraction is out of 11) and then take 7 groups to represent the pupils who wear glasses.

\( \text{Number of groups} = \frac{\text{Total number of pupils}}{\text{Total parts in the fraction}} \)

\( \text{Number of groups} = \frac{121}{11} \)

\( \text{Number of groups} = 11 \) (since 121 is perfectly divisible by 11).

Now we take 7 of those 11 groups to represent pupils with glasses:

\( \text{Pupils with glasses} = 11 \times 7 \)

\( \text{Pupils with glasses} = 77 \)

So, 77 pupils wear glasses. To find out how many pupils do not wear glasses, we subtract the number of pupils with glasses from the total number of pupils:

\( \text{Pupils without glasses} = \text{Total number of pupils} - \text{Pupils with glasses} \)

\( \text{Pupils without glasses} = 121 - 77 \)

\( \text{Pupils without glasses} = 44 \)

Therefore, 44 pupils in the music class do not wear glasses.

If "7 11" in your question was not a typo and you meant a different fraction or value, please provide the correct information for more accurate assistance.