Which example best describe the influence of genetic factors?

The adult offspring of a pair of beer is shorter than its parents and obtain fewer nutrients when it was younger
A throat was good access to sunlight is taller than other scrubs located in shaded area
Your horse is the same size as his parents and similar height to other horses at the same breed that it lives with one on a farm
A corn plant is the same height as another complaint of a different variety

Among the options provided, the one that best describes the influence of genetic factors is:

Your horse is the same size as his parents and similar in height to other horses of the same breed that it lives with on a farm.

This example implies that the horse's size and height are consistent with its genetic lineage (parents) and with other horses of the same breed, suggesting a strong genetic component. While environmental factors (such as nutrition, living conditions, etc.) also play a role in growth and development, the genetic similarity here is a key factor that influences these physical traits.

Let's examine why the other examples do not highlight genetic influence as clearly:

- The adult offspring of a pair of bears is shorter than its parents and obtained fewer nutrients when it was younger: This suggests an environmental influence (nutrient availability), not directly a genetic one.
- A tree that has good access to sunlight is taller than other scrubs located in a shaded area: This is a classic example of environmental influence, where sunlight availability impacts growth, rather than genetics.
- A corn plant is the same height as another corn plant of a different variety: While this might suggest some genetic factors that determine a similar height between different varieties, the fact that they are different varieties implies there are also genetic differences at play, making it less clear-cut as an example of genetic influence alone.