Use the passage to answer the question.

Based on this excerpt from the text, how did the jailing of debtors hurt their chances of repaying their debts?
(1 point)

They were unable to work.
They were unable to work.

They spent their money on food.
They spent their money on food.

They could not repay debts on time.
They could not repay debts on time.

They often did not survive prison conditions.

Without access to the full text, I cannot provide a definitive answer because each of the provided responses could be valid reasons based on different contexts within the passage. However, based on typical historical practices and the logical consequences of incarceration for debt, the most likely reason that the jailing of debtors hurt their chances of repaying their debts would be:

They were unable to work.

The inability to work would directly prevent debtors from earning the money they needed to repay their debts, thus prolonging or making it impossible to resolve their financial obligations. If this is consistent with the content of the passage, it would be the most appropriate choice.