Drag and drop the events to arrange them from the event that occurred first to the event that occurred last.

Muhammad’s cousin Ali, becomes caliph
The caliph and the Byzantine emperor signed a treaty to joint rule the island of Cyprus
The caliphate passed to the Umayyad family
Abu bakr becomes caliph

To arrange the events in chronological order:

1. Abu Bakr becomes caliph
2. The caliphate passed to the Umayyad family
3. The caliph and the Byzantine emperor signed a treaty to joint rule the island of Cyprus
4. Muhammad’s cousin Ali, becomes caliph


Apologies for the confusion earlier. Here is the correct chronological order based on historical events:

1. Abu Bakr becomes caliph (632 - 634 AD)
2. Muhammad’s cousin Ali becomes caliph (656 - 661 AD)
3. The caliphate passed to the Umayyad family (661 AD)
4. The caliph and the Byzantine emperor signed a treaty to joint rule the island of Cyprus (688 AD)

To arrange the events from the event that occurred first to the event that occurred last, we can follow these steps:

1. Identify any events that have specific dates or are mentioned as occurring before or after other events in the given options.
2. Compare the remaining events and use any contextual clues or historical knowledge to determine the chronological order.

Let's analyze the events in the given options to determine their chronological order:

Option 1: Muhammad's cousin Ali becomes caliph.
Option 2: The caliph and the Byzantine emperor signed a treaty to jointly rule the island of Cyprus.
Option 3: The caliphate passed to the Umayyad family.
Option 4: Abu Bakr becomes caliph.

Step 1: From the given options, we can identify that Abu Bakr becoming caliph is the earliest event. This is supported historically, as Abu Bakr was the first caliph after the death of Muhammad.

Step 2: Analyzing the remaining events, we need to determine whether Muhammad's cousin Ali becoming caliph or the caliphate passing to the Umayyad family happened next.

Based on historical knowledge, we know that the caliphate passed to the Umayyad family after the events that followed Abu Bakr's caliphate. Therefore, we can place "The caliphate passed to the Umayyad family" as the third event.

Finally, "Muhammad's cousin Ali becomes caliph" is the event that occurred last, as Ali became caliph after the Umayyad family's rule.

The correct chronological order for the events is as follows:

1. Abu Bakr becomes caliph.
2. The caliphate passed to the Umayyad family.
3. The caliph and the Byzantine emperor signed a treaty to jointly rule the island of Cyprus.
4. Muhammad's cousin Ali becomes caliph.