AJ is writing a paragraph with the following claim. Soccer is the most popular sport in the world.

To support this claim, AJ should provide evidence and reasoning that demonstrates soccer's popularity globally. Here is how AJ might construct a paragraph:

Soccer, known as football in most countries, holds the undisputed title as the most popular sport in the world. The magnitude of its fan base is exemplified by the estimated 3.5 billion people who follow the sport, according to FIFA. This is nearly half the global population, a testament to the sport's widespread appeal across continents. Soccer's preeminence is further evident through the FIFA World Cup, which is the most watched sporting event on the planet, drawing in an audience of over a billion viewers for the final match alone. The sport's simplicity and accessibility contribute to its popularity; it requires minimal equipment and can be played virtually anywhere, from the favelas of Brazil to the parks of suburban America. Moreover, soccer enjoys a rich tradition and cultural significance in many countries, with leagues and clubs that are integral to local and national identities. The sport's ability to unite people through a shared passion transcends language, religion, and socioeconomic barriers, making it not only a game but a global phenomenon. Thus, through its vast following, significant cultural impact, and the universal joy it brings to diverse populations, soccer stands as the most popular sport in the world.