how would you ask a friend do you agree in spanish

To ask a friend if they agree in Spanish, you can say:

"¿Estás de acuerdo?"

This is a friendly and informal way to ask "Do you agree?" If you are speaking in a more formal context or with someone you're not familiar with, you might use the formal version:

"¿Está de acuerdo?"

Remember that Spanish often uses subject pronouns less frequently than English because the verb endings usually indicate the subject. However, if the context doesn't make it clear who you're talking about, you can include the subject pronoun for clarity:

"¿Estás de acuerdo tú?" (informal)
"¿Está de acuerdo usted?" (formal)

If you want to make it specific to a topic, you can add "con esto" (with this), "con eso" (with that), or specify the topic:

"¿Estás de acuerdo con esto?"
"¿Estás de acuerdo con lo que dije?" (Do you agree with what I said?)
"¿Estás de acuerdo con la decisión?" (Do you agree with the decision?)

a short simple answer please

Certainly! To ask "do you agree?" in Spanish, you simply say:

"¿Estás de acuerdo?"

which of the following is the correct plural of fresa sabrosa

The correct plural form of "fresa sabrosa" in Spanish, which translates to "tasty strawberry," would be "fresas sabrosas." Here, both "fresa" (strawberry) and "sabrosa" (tasty) need to be in the plural form to agree in number:

- "fresa" becomes "fresas"
- "sabrosa" becomes "sabrosas"

So, "fresas sabrosas" means "tasty strawberries."

short simple answer please

"Fresas sabrosas."

what is the correct plural form of una bebida popular

Unas bebidas populares.