A model of the sun shows all of the sun’s layers but only includes the layers of the sun’s atmosphere that are visible from Earth under normal circumstances. Which layer is missing from the model?(1 point)



convection zone
convection zone


inner core

The layer that is missing from the model, considering it only includes the layers of the sun's atmosphere visible from Earth under normal circumstances, would be the corona.

The corona is the outermost part of the Sun's atmosphere and is not usually visible to the naked eye except during a total solar eclipse or with the use of special instruments called coronagraphs. The other layers listed—photosphere, convection zone, and inner core—are not part of the Sun's atmosphere and have different visibility conditions:

- The photosphere is the visible surface of the Sun and would be included in such a model since it's what we see from Earth when we look at the Sun (with appropriate eye protection, of course).

- The convection zone is a layer of the Sun beneath the photosphere and is therefore not directly visible from Earth.

- The inner core is the central part of the Sun where nuclear fusion occurs. It is also not visible from Earth.

Therefore, the correct response indicating the missing layer from the model based on the given information is:
