compare and contrast the views of the Federalist Party and the democratic Republican Party in at least three different historical issues in 4 sentences

The Federalist Party, led by figures like Alexander Hamilton, and the Democratic-Republican Party, co-founded by Thomas Jefferson and James Madison, held differing views on key issues in the early United States. First, on the issue of national government power, Federalists favored a strong central government that could effectively manage national affairs and consolidate the Union, whereas Democratic-Republicans advocated for states’ rights and a more decentralized federal system to prevent potential tyranny. Second, within the economic sphere, Federalists supported the creation of a national bank to stabilize and improve the nation's financial system, while Democratic-Republicans opposed it, fearing it would concentrate too much power in the hands of a few wealthy individuals and institutions. Lastly, concerning foreign policy during the French Revolutionary Wars, Federalists generally supported maintaining a close relationship with Great Britain due to economic ties and stability concerns, whereas Democratic-Republicans felt a natural affinity towards France, which had supported America during its own revolution and represented republican ideals.