Determine the number that 88 is divisible by from the choices provided?

To determine which numbers 88 is divisible by, we can look at its factors. Factors of a number are integers that can divide that number without leaving a remainder.

The prime factorization of 88 can be derived by repeatedly dividing by prime numbers:

88 ÷ 2 = 44
44 ÷ 2 = 22
22 ÷ 2 = 11

Since 11 is a prime number, it cannot be divided any further. So, the prime factorization of 88 is 2 * 2 * 2 * 11, which is 2^3 * 11.

From this, we can determine that the following numbers are factors of 88:

- 1 (because every number is divisible by 1)
- 2 (as shown in the prime factorization)
- 4 (2^2)
- 8 (2^3)
- 11 (a prime number in the factorization)
- 22 (2 * 11)
- 44 (2^2 * 11)
- 88 (the number itself)

Without the choices provided, these are the numbers that 88 is divisible by. If your list of choices includes any of these numbers, then 88 is divisible by them. If your list of choices is different, compare them with this list to see if there's a match.

What the answer

To provide a specific answer, I would need the list of choices you have. Since I don't have the list, I can only tell you the factors of 88 as I previously mentioned. Please provide the specific choices so that I can determine which one(s) 88 is divisible by.

To determine the number that 88 is divisible by from the choices provided, we need to find factors of 88. A number is divisible by another number if it can be divided evenly with no remainder.

To find the factors of 88, we can start by checking if 88 is divisible by prime numbers starting from 2. If we divide 88 by a number and the remainder is 0, then it is a factor of 88.

Let's check the choices you have provided and see if any of them divide evenly into 88:

1. 2: Since 88 divided by 2 equals 44 with no remainder, 88 is divisible by 2.

2. 3: 88 divided by 3 equals 29.333 (approximately) with a remainder, so 88 is not divisible by 3.

3. 4: Since 88 divided by 4 equals 22 with no remainder, 88 is divisible by 4.

4. 5: 88 divided by 5 equals 17.6 (approximately) with a remainder, so 88 is not divisible by 5.

5. 6: 88 divided by 6 equals 14.6667 (approximately) with a remainder, so 88 is not divisible by 6.

6. 7: 88 divided by 7 equals 12.5714 (approximately) with a remainder, so 88 is not divisible by 7.

From the given choices, we have found that 88 is divisible by 2 and 4.