Two friends, Olivia and Melanie, took summer jobs. The equation y, equals, 22, point, 2, xy=22.2x represents Melanie's earnings in dollars and cents, yy, for working xx hours. Olivia earned $1156 in 40 hours.

How much less per hour does Melanie earn than Olivia?

Let's solve Melanie's earnings per hour first using the equation given:

yy = 22.2x

We want to find Melanie's hourly wage, so we can set x equal to 1:

y = 22.2(1)
y = $22.20

So Melanie earns $22.20 per hour.

Now let's find out how much Olivia earns per hour. Olivia earned $1156 in 40 hours. To find her hourly wage, we divide her total earnings by the number of hours she worked:

Olivia's hourly wage = Total earnings / Total hours worked
Olivia's hourly wage = $1156 / 40
Olivia's hourly wage = $28.90

Now, to find out how much less per hour Melanie earns than Olivia, we subtract Melanie's hourly rate from Olivia's hourly rate:

Difference per hour = Olivia's hourly wage - Melanie's hourly wage
Difference per hour = $28.90 - $22.20
Difference per hour = $6.70

Melanie earns $6.70 less per hour than Olivia.