Gabby wants to put a boarder around her garden it cost $1.50 per yard for the materials use $1.50 (2l+2w)where l is the length and w is the width of her garden to find the cost for a garden that has a length of 4 yards and a width of 3 yards

To find the cost of putting a border around Gabby's garden, we will use the formula provided and plug in the values for the length and width of the garden.

The formula given is:

Cost = $1.50 * (2l + 2w)

The length (l) is given as 4 yards, and the width (w) is given as 3 yards. Plugging these values into the formula:

Cost = $1.50 * (2 * 4 yards + 2 * 3 yards)
Cost = $1.50 * (8 yards + 6 yards)
Cost = $1.50 * 14 yards
Cost = $21.00

Therefore, the cost for the materials to put a border around Gabby's garden with a length of 4 yards and a width of 3 yards would be $21.00.