Nuclear reactions can be written out in equation form with information about the nuclei that take place in the fusion reaction and the nuclei that are produced. In one to two sentences, explain how you would identify the reaction as fusion, and give two different criteria.(2 points)

A reaction can be identified as fusion if it involves the combination of two light atomic nuclei to form a heavier nucleus, typically releasing a substantial amount of energy. Two different criteria for identifying a fusion reaction are a decrease in the combined number of particles before and after the reaction (indicating that two nuclei have fused) and the release of energy as a result of the reaction, which is characteristic of fusion processes due to a decrease in the total mass, with the mass difference being converted to energy according to E=mc².

1-2 sentences

A nuclear reaction can be identified as fusion if the products include a heavier nucleus formed by the combination of two lighter nuclei, along with an increase in the binding energy per nucleon. Additionally, a fusion reaction generally releases a neutron(s) or gamma photons and a significant amount of energy, distinguishing it from other types of nuclear reactions.

To identify a reaction as fusion, you can look for two main criteria: First, the total number of protons and neutrons in the reactant nuclei should be less than the total number of protons and neutrons in the product nuclei. Second, the reactant nuclei should be light, usually involving hydrogen isotopes, while the product nuclei should be heavier, typically helium isotopes.