Below is a non-cohesive paragraph. Which sentence does not support the topic sentence?

(1) Cigarette smoke is unhealthy even for people who don’t have the nicotine habit themselves. (2) Secondhand smoke can cause asthmatics and sufferers of sinusitis serious problems. (3) Doctors regularly advise heart patients to avoid confined smoky areas because coronary attacks might be triggered by the lack of clean air. (4) Moreover, having the smell of smoke in one’s hair and clothes is a real nuisance. (5) Even if a person is without any health problems, exhaled smoke doubles the amount of carbon monoxide in the air, a condition that may cause lung problems in the future.

Group of answer choices

(4) Moreover, having the smell of smoke in one’s hair and clothes is a real nuisance.

(5) Even if a person is without any health problems, exhaled smoke doubles the amount of carbon monoxide in the air, a condition that may cause lung problems in the future.

(3) Doctors regularly advise heart patients to avoid confined smoky areas because coronary attacks might be triggered by the lack of clean air.

(2) Secondhand smoke can cause asthmatics and sufferers of sinusitis serious problems.

(1) Cigarette smoke is unhealthy even for people who don’t have the nicotine habit themselves.

The sentence that does not support the topic sentence is:

(4) Moreover, having the smell of smoke in one’s hair and clothes is a real nuisance.

The topic sentence (1) outlines the health-related issues of cigarette smoke affecting non-smokers. Sentences (2), (3), and (5) all provide examples or further explanations of the health risks posed by secondhand smoke, which align with the topic sentence. Sentence (4), however, discusses the nuisance of the smoke's odor, which is not directly related to the health aspect emphasized in the topic sentence.