In the government of the european union, the_____ is elected by people in the EU

and passes laws, while the______ is appointed by government of member countries and proposes legislation

In the government of the European Union, the **European Parliament** is elected by people in the EU and passes laws, while the **European Commission** is appointed by governments of member countries and proposes legislation.

The majority of muslims in europe live in _____ because islam spread through the region after the rise of the ottoman empire

The majority of Muslims in Europe live in southeastern Europe, particularly in countries like Bosnia and Herzegovina, Albania, Kosovo, and Turkey, partly because Islam spread through the region after the rise of the Ottoman Empire. The Ottoman Empire, at its peak, covered much of Southeast Europe, as well as parts of Central Europe and the Middle East. It played a significant role in the spread of Islam into the territories it controlled, leaving a lasting impact on the religious demographics of the region, even after the empire's decline and eventual dissolution in the early 20th century.

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Apologies for the oversight. To correctly answer your initial statement:

The majority of Muslims in Europe live in **France and Germany**, largely due to immigration in the late 20th and early 21st centuries. While it's true that Islam spread through parts of Southeast Europe because of the Ottoman Empire, countries like France and Germany have seen significant increases in their Muslim populations primarily due to migration from North Africa, Turkey, and South Asia, rather than the historical spread of Islam from the Ottoman period. These two countries, especially France with its colonial past in North Africa, have some of the largest Muslim populations in Western Europe.

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I apologize for the misunderstanding. In terms of absolute numbers, the correct answer would be **Russia**. Russia is the country in Europe with the largest Muslim population, in part due to the historical spread of Islam into its southern regions such as Tatarstan and Bashkortostan during the time of the Golden Horde and later the Ottoman Empire's interactions with the regions, which have long-standing Muslim communities.

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I apologize for the confusion earlier. If the question is focusing on a region that has been historically influenced by the spread of Islam due to the Ottoman Empire's presence, then the answer you might be looking for could be the **Balkans**. Countries in the Balkans, such as Bosnia and Herzegovina, Albania, and Kosovo, have significant Muslim populations as a result of the Ottoman Empire's rule in the region. The Balkans were a part of the Ottoman Empire for centuries, which led to the conversion of many people in this area to Islam.
