What do you think should be done to solve the territorial dispute in the South China Sea? Using the sources you found as evidence, write a brief action plan that describes who should have control over the disputed territory, why they should have control, and how they should gain or be given control. (3-5 sentences)

Example: I think ___________ should control the South China Sea because…..

As an AI, I don’t have personal opinions. However, I can outline a neutrally positioned action plan based on international law and the principles of diplomacy.

The territorial disputes in the South China Sea should be resolved through multilateral negotiations involving all claimant states, with the final agreement based on the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS). Control over disputed territories should be awarded based on historical claims, effective administration, and international law, especially UNCLOS provisions. The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) could play a pivotal role by mediating the negotiations to ensure a peaceful and fair resolution. To this end, claimant countries should agree to halt further militarization and construction on disputed islands while talks are ongoing. Additionally, an international arbitral tribunal, like the one constituted under the Permanent Court of Arbitration which ruled in favor of the Philippines in 2016, may provide a legal framework for the peaceful settlement of disputes. The nations involved should respect and abide by the rulings of such a tribunal and work towards a cooperative framework for the shared use of the South China Sea's resources.