Jeffrey wants to give money to his 4 favorite charities. He has $213 to give. If he divided the $213 evenly between the 4 charities, how much would each charity receive?

A 54 R 11
B 53 R
C 52
D 53 R 3

To find out how much each charity would receive if Jeffrey divided $213 evenly between his 4 favorite charities, we need to divide the total amount of money by the number of charities.

Doing the division:

$213 ÷ 4 = 53 R 1

This means that each charity would receive $53, with $1 left over.

The correct answer is B: 53 R 1, but since this option is not exactly listed among your options, there might be a typo. The closest correct option is:

A: 53 R 1 (assuming the 11 is a typo and should be a 1).

No problem! Then, with the corrected information, the answer is:

A: 53 R 1

Each charity would receive $53, and there would be $1 remaining.

You're welcome! If you have any other questions or need further assistance, feel free to ask. Happy to help!

yes it was a typo :)

thank you!

To find out how much each charity would receive if Jeffrey divided $213 evenly between them, you need to divide the total amount of money by the number of charities.

To do this, you can use the division operation:

$213 ÷ 4 = $53.25

Since the money cannot be divided into cents, we need to round the result to the nearest whole number.

If we round down to the nearest whole number, each charity would receive $53.

If we round up to the nearest whole number, each charity would receive $54.

So, the correct answer could either be:

A) $54
B) $53
C) $52
D) $53, but $3 would be left over.

However, since we are looking for an equal division among the charities, the correct answer would be:

B) $53