Cab companies often charge a flat fee for picking someone up and then charge an additional fee per mile driven.

The city of Raleigh, NC charges $1.95 fee and $2.70 per mile for each Cab ride.

Write an equation in standard form to represent the amount charged, C, for m number of miles for the company in Raleigh.

To write an equation representing the amount charged, C, for m number of miles for the cab company in Raleigh, you can start by including the flat fee and then adding the per-mile charge multiplied by the number of miles driven.

The flat fee is $1.95, and the fee per mile is $2.70. With m representing the number of miles, the cost for the ride would be:

C = flat fee + (fee per mile * m)

Plugging in the values from Raleigh, NC:

C = $1.95 + ($2.70 * m)

To put this in standard form, you need to have the equation in the form of Ax + By = C, where A, B, and C are constants. However, since we only have one variable, m, the standard form for a linear equation in one variable would look like Am = C - B, where A and B are constants.

Thus, the equation representing the amount charged is already in a standard form for a single variable linear equation:

C = $1.95 + $2.70m

In terms of algebraic standard form (Am + B = C), it would simply rearrange to:

$2.70m + $1.95 = C

This is the equation you would use to calculate the total cost, C, for m miles of a cab ride in Raleigh, NC.