Which of these is the main advantage of student loans? (1 point) Responses You don’t have to pay back the money. You don’t have to pay back the money. They are only available to the military. They are only available to the military. You receive help finding a job near campus. You receive help finding a job near campus. You receive the money upfront to cover your expenses.

The main advantage of student loans is that you receive the money upfront to cover your educational expenses. This includes tuition, fees, room and board, and sometimes other related costs like books and supplies. Unlike grants or scholarships, student loans must be repaid with interest over time. The repayment typically begins after you graduate, leave school, or drop below half-time enrollment, with grace periods varying by loan type. Student loans do not typically provide assistance in finding a job near campus; that is a separate service which may be offered by career services at an educational institution.