Now that you have taken time to evaluate different aspects of your personal health, you can set some specific goals to improve areas you want to strengthen. You can also organize a plan for how you will monitor these goals to keep yourself motivated and on track for success!

Step 1: Create Two SMART Goals
Take a look at your chart from Activity 2. Select two areas you feel you’d like to improve. Using the SMART goal criteria you learned about in the unit, write out two specific goals you’d like to set as part of your overall fitness plan.

Step 2: Strategize
Write out three strategies that will help you achieve each of you goals. What will you do to make sure you keep working toward these goals?

Step 3: Monitor Your Goals
Write a plan for how you will monitor your goals for both short-term and long-term success. Will you have a sticker chart? A calendar where you note your success? An app on your phone that helps track goals?

Step 4: Share Your Goals
Sharing your goals with others will help you be more accountable to yourself (and to others) as you make these improvements. Record yourself sharing your goals, strategies, and plans to monitor your success. Your video should be two to three minutes in length.

Since I don't have access to the specifics of your chart from Activity 2, I will create generic examples that demonstrate how to apply the SMART criteria (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound) to formulating fitness goals.

### Step 1: Create Two SMART Goals

**Goal 1: Improve Cardiovascular Fitness**
Specific: I want to improve my cardiovascular endurance by running.
Measurable: I plan to increase my running distance by 10% each week.
Achievable: I currently run 2 miles comfortably; I will start by adding 0.2 miles to my runs each week.
Relevant: Improving my cardiovascular health is important to me because it will help reduce stress, improve my heart health, and increase my overall stamina.
Time-bound: My goal is to be able to run 5 miles continuously in 3 months' time.

**Goal 2: Increase Strength**
Specific: I want to increase my upper body strength by incorporating weight training into my workouts.
Measurable: I will track my progress by the amount of weight I can consistently lift for 8-12 reps for each major upper body exercise.
Achievable: I will start with weights I can lift comfortably and increase the weight as I get stronger.
Relevant: Strengthening my upper body will help prevent injuries and improve my ability to perform everyday tasks.
Time-bound: I intend to increase my lifting capacity by 25% within the next 4 months.

### Step 2: Strategize

**For Goal 1:**
1. Schedule my running sessions for the early mornings, 4 times a week, to avoid scheduling conflicts and ensure consistency.
2. Invest in a quality pair of running shoes to prevent injuries and make the experience more enjoyable.
3. Join a local running group to stay motivated and receive support from fellow runners.

**For Goal 2:**
1. Follow a structured weight-training program designed for upper body strength improvement.
2. Maintain a workout log to keep track of weight progression and ensure consistent improvement.
3. Perform strength training twice a week on non-consecutive days to allow for adequate recovery.

### Step 3: Monitor Your Goals

For both goals, I plan to use a three-tiered approach:

1. Physical Logbook: Keep a detailed record of each exercise session, including date, distance or weights lifted, and how I felt during the session.
2. Digital App: Use a fitness app to track progress over time, set reminders for workout sessions, and analyze patterns in my training.
3. Accountability Partner: Pair up with a friend who is also working on their fitness goals, we'll check in with each other weekly to discuss progress and challenges.

### Step 4: Share Your Goals

**Recording Script for Video:**

"Hi everyone! Today, I'm excited to share with you my fitness goals and plans to achieve them. My first goal is to improve my cardiovascular fitness by running, and I aim to increase my running distance by 10% each week, with the objective of running 5 miles continuously in 3 months. To help me succeed, I'll run early in the mornings four times a week, invest in good running shoes, and join a local running group.

My second goal is to increase my upper body strength through weight training. I plan to increase my lifting capacity by 25% in the next 4 months. My strategy includes following a structured program, maintaining a workout log, and performing strength training twice weekly.

To monitor my goals, I'll use a physical logbook for detailed session notes, a fitness app for tracking trends, and an accountability partner for weekly check-ins.

I'm committed to sticking to this plan and am looking forward to the positive changes these goals will bring to my life. Thanks for listening, and I welcome any tips or encouragement you might have!"

(Note: The actual recording of the video would be completed by you, and the script can be modified to fit your exact goals and strategies.)