Captivating Critters Unit Test 2 of 202 of 20 Items Question Which word begins with an open syllable?(1 point) Responses mitten mitten pillow pillow inside inside before

An open syllable is a syllable that ends with a vowel sound and is not closed by a consonant. Based on the choices provided:

- mitten: both syllables are closed (mit-ten)
- pillow: both syllables are closed (pil-low)
- inside: the first syllable is open (in-side)
- before: the first syllable is open (be-fore)

As there is one word requested, either "inside" or "before" would be a correct answer as they both begin with an open syllable. If you have to choose only one, please select according to the specific instruction or context provided by your test. If no further instruction is provided, "inside" could be considered as the first correct option listed.

witch is the answer

Based on the options provided and the definition of an open syllable, the word that begins with an open syllable is "inside." The first syllable "in-" ends with the vowel sound "i" and is not followed by a consonant within the same syllable, making it an open syllable. Therefore, "inside" is the correct answer.

To determine which word begins with an open syllable, we need to understand what an open syllable is. An open syllable is a syllable that ends with a vowel sound rather than being closed off by a consonant sound.

To find the answer to the question, we can look at the given responses: mitten, pillow, inside, and before. We will examine the first sound of each word to determine if it is a vowel sound or a consonant sound.

The word "mitten" starts with the consonant sound /m/. Therefore, it does not begin with an open syllable.

The word "pillow" starts with the consonant sound /p/. So, it also does not begin with an open syllable.

The word "inside" starts with the vowel sound /ɪ/. Since it starts with a vowel sound, it does begin with an open syllable.

The word "before" starts with the consonant sound /b/. Hence, it does not begin with an open syllable.

Therefore, the word that begins with an open syllable is "inside".