A presenter wants to explain the relationship between the number of sales in a company from one city to the next. Which medium should the presenter use to present the data?(1 point)


a combination of audio and video
a combination of audio and video


traditional text
traditional text


In order to effectively present the relationship between the number of sales in different cities, the medium chosen should best facilitate the communication of potentially complex numerical data and comparative figures. Here are considerations for each option:

- A combination of audio and video: This medium allows for the use of visual aids such as charts, graphs, and maps, which can be extremely helpful in showing geographic sales data and trends. The audio component allows the presenter to explain the visuals and provide additional context. This method can be engaging and informative if produced well.

- Video: Similar to the combination of audio and video, but if it's just video without an audio narrative, some of the explanations or insights might be lost. However, if video includes captions or annotations, it can be a powerful tool for showing changes in sales data across different cities.

- Traditional text: While traditional text can communicate the required information, it lacks the immediate visual impact that graphical representations offer. Text can be detailed and comprehensive but might not be as effective at quickly conveying trends or comparisons.

- Audio: Audio alone is not ideal for conveying detailed numerical data or showing relationships between sales figures from different cities. While it can be used to describe trends, without visual aids it may be difficult for the audience to grasp the full picture.

Considering these points, a combination of audio and video would likely be the most effective medium for explaining the relationship between the number of sales in a company from one city to the next, as it combines the strengths of both audio explanations and visual representations.