P) 16. Match the conjugated forms of the stem-changing verb "preferir" to its correct pronoun. (5 points)


él / ella
ustedes /ellos(as)

 prefieren  prefiero  prefiere  preferimos  prefieres

Sure, here are the matches:

yo - prefiero
tú - prefieres
él / ella - prefiere
nosotros(as) - preferimos
ustedes /ellos(as) - prefieren


17. Which verb below would be used to give your name?
Mi nombre ___________ Juan.
(1 point)

The correct verb to use in this context is "es":

Mi nombre es Juan.

R) 18. What is the name for Peruvian Chinese food? (1 point)

papas a la huancaina

The name for Peruvian Chinese food is "chifa."

To match the conjugated forms of the stem-changing verb "preferir" to the correct pronoun, we need to understand how stem-changing verbs work and the conjugation pattern of "preferir."

First, let's identify the stem of the verb "preferir." The stem of "preferir" is "prefer."

The stem-changing verbs have a vowel change in the stem when conjugated. In the case of "preferir," the vowel "e" in the stem changes to "ie" in certain forms.

Now, let's match the conjugated forms of "preferir" to the correct pronoun:
- "prefieren" corresponds to the pronoun "ustedes/ellos(as)" (you all/they)
- "prefiero" corresponds to the pronoun "yo" (I)
- "prefiere" corresponds to the pronoun "él/ella" (he/she)
- "preferimos" corresponds to the pronoun "nosotros/as" (we)
- "prefieres" corresponds to the pronoun "tú" (you)

So, the correct matching would be:
- "Prefieren" for ustedes/ellos(as)
- "Prefiero" for yo
- "Prefiere" for él/ella
- "Preferimos" for nosotros/as
- "Prefieres" for tú