K) 11. Which empire was the largest in the Americas before the arrival of the Europeans? (1 point)




12. What is the best response to the following question?
"¿De dónde eres?"
(1 point)
Soy de los Estados Unidos.
Estoy de los Estados Unidos.
Ser de los Estados Unidos.
Son de los Estados Unidos.

The best response to the question "¿De dónde eres?" (Where are you from?) would be:

Soy de los Estados Unidos.

To find the answer to this question, you would need to examine the historical context of the Americas before the arrival of Europeans.

The Inca Empire, the Aztec Empire, the Maya civilization, and the Cherokee Nation were all prominent civilizations in the Americas before European contact.

To determine which empire was the largest, you would need to consider factors such as the extent of their territorial control, population size, and cultural influence.

The Inca Empire, also known as Tawantinsuyu, was the largest and most extensive empire in pre-Columbian America. It covered a vast territory along the western coast of South America, including present-day Peru, Ecuador, Bolivia, and parts of Colombia, Chile, and Argentina. The empire reached its height in the early 16th century, with an estimated population of 10 to 12 million people.

Therefore, the correct answer is the Inca Empire.