Mei Mei bought 15 chicken wings for $28.50. If Mei Mei spent $34.20, how many chicken wings did she buy?

We already know that Mei Mei bought 15 chicken wings for $28.50. To find out how many chicken wings she could buy for $34.20, let's first calculate the unit price of one chicken wing.

To find the unit price, we divide the total cost by the number of units (chicken wings):

Unit Price = Total Cost / Number of Chicken Wings
Unit Price = $28.50 / 15
Unit Price = $1.90 per chicken wing

Now that we have the price per chicken wing, we can determine how many chicken wings Mei Mei could have bought for $34.20:

Number of Chicken Wings = Total Money Spent / Unit Price
Number of Chicken Wings = $34.20 / $1.90 per chicken wing
Number of Chicken Wings = 18

So, for $34.20, Mei Mei could buy 18 chicken wings.