Use the sentence to answer the question.

"Claim: Volunteerism is what keeps communities strong."

Why is this a strong claim for an argumentative essay?

(1 point)

It is a false statement.
It is a false statement.

It is a fact.
It is a fact.

It is an opinion that is supportable.
It is an opinion that is supportable.

It is a positive statement.

It is an opinion that is supportable.

It is an opinion that is supportable.

This is a strong claim for an argumentative essay because it presents an opinion that can be supported with evidence and reasoning, thus allowing for a robust and persuasive argument.

Use these sentences to answer the question.

"To develop a strong claim, start with a topic. Then ask questions to clarify your ideas about the topic."

What must a strong claim have to support it?

(1 point)

with personal ideas
with personal ideas

with interesting topics
with interesting topics

with opinions
with opinions

with evidence

with evidence

with evidence

A strong claim must be supported with evidence to be credible and persuasive in an argumentative essay. Evidence provides the foundation on which the argument is built and helps to convince the reader of the claim's validity.

Which claim is the strongest?(1 point)


I think that sea turtles are the most fascinating animals.
I think that sea turtles are the most fascinating animals.

Many interesting types of sea turtles live in the ocean.
Many interesting types of sea turtles live in the ocean.

Only sea turtles can excite children and adults alike.
Only sea turtles can excite children and adults alike.

Sea turtles are most important to the health of coral reefs.

Sea turtles are most important to the health of coral reefs.

Sea turtles are most important to the health of coral reefs.

This claim is the strongest because it asserts a specific and significant role of sea turtles within an environmental context, suggesting an impact on coral reef ecosystems. This type of claim can be supported by scientific evidence and research, making it a powerful statement in an argumentative essay.

The claim presented, "volunteerism is what keeps communities strong," is a strong claim for an argumentative essay because it is an opinion that is supportable. To determine if a claim is strong, it is important to assess whether there is evidence or logical reasoning available to back it up. In this case, the claim can be supported by providing examples of how volunteerism contributes to strengthening communities, such as through the provision of essential services, fostering social connections, and creating a sense of belonging among community members. Therefore, the claim being made is an opinion that can be substantiated with evidence, making it a strong claim for an argumentative essay.