angle 8 is 110°

and lines P
and Q
are parallel. Find the measure of angle 2.

Unfortunately, without additional context or a visual representation, it's impossible to determine the measure of angle 2 with certainty. The numbering of angles and the reference to parallel lines P and Q suggest that this could be a problem related to parallel lines cut by a transversal. In such situations, there are specific angle relationships that could help find the measure of angle 2 given the measure of angle 8, but we would need to know how angle 2 is positioned relative to angle 8 and the parallel lines to proceed.

If angle 8 is an interior angle, and angle 2 is an alternate interior angle, corresponding angle, or any other specific angle relative to angle 8 within the setup of parallel lines, then it would be possible to determine the measure. For example:

1. If angle 2 and angle 8 are alternate interior angles, then angle 2 would also measure 110° because alternate interior angles are equal in measure when lines are parallel.
2. If angle 2 and angle 8 are corresponding angles, then angle 2 would also measure 110° because corresponding angles are equal in measure when lines are parallel.

Please provide additional information about the relationship between angle 2 and angle 8, preferably with the description of the diagram or the diagram itself, to enable a precise calculation of the measure of angle 2.