Which sentence contains a misplaced or dangling modifier?

A Looking for food, the trash was scattered by the dog.Looking for food, the trash was scattered by the dog.
B The narrator of the story was William Armstrong's brother.The narrator of the story was William Armstrong's brother.
C On our way home today, we saw three deer run across the highway.On our way home today, we saw three deer run across the highway.
D Tom was on the front porch watching as the storm began to gather in the sky.

A Looking for food, the trash was scattered by the dog.

This sentence contains a misplaced modifier. It is structured as if the trash was looking for food, which does not make sense. The modifier "Looking for food" should be placed near the noun it is intended to modify, which in this case is the dog. A corrected version could read:

"The dog scattered the trash while looking for food."

The rest of the sentences are correctly structured and do not contain misplaced or dangling modifiers.