If the above set of ordered pairs is a function, is it a linear or a nonlinear function?(1 point)


A The set of ordered pairs is a linear function.

b The set of ordered pairs is neither a linear nor nonlinear function.

c The set of ordered pairs is a nonlinear function.

d The set of ordered pairs was not a function.

It appears that there might be some misunderstanding as you haven't provided the set of ordered pairs. To determine if the set is a function and whether it's linear or nonlinear, I need to see the specific ordered pairs.

Here's how you can determine the answers once you have the set of ordered pairs:

1. **Is it a function?**
A set of ordered pairs is a function if each input (x-value) corresponds to exactly one output (y-value). That means no x-value is repeated with different y-values.

2. **Is it a linear function?**
If the set of ordered pairs represents a function, it is a linear function if the relationship can be represented by a straight line when plotted on a coordinate system. This means that the difference between y-values for any two points (called the rise) divided by the difference between x-values for those points (called the run) is constant. This is also known as a constant rate of change or a constant slope.

3. **Is it a nonlinear function?**
If the set of ordered pairs represents a function and the relationship cannot be represented by a straight line, then it is a nonlinear function. This would mean that the rise/run or the rate of change is not constant.

Without seeing the actual ordered pairs, I am unable to tell you definitively whether the set is an example of a linear function, a nonlinear function, or if it's not a function at all. Please provide the set of ordered pairs for a specific analysis.