If the above set of ordered pairs is a function, is it a linear or a nonlinear function?(1 point)


The set of ordered pairs is a linear function.

The set of ordered pairs is neither a linear nor nonlinear function.

The set of ordered pairs is a nonlinear function.

The set of ordered pairs was not a function.

It seems like you wanted to ask about a specific set of ordered pairs to determine if they represent a function, and if so, whether the function is linear or nonlinear. However, the set of ordered pairs has not been provided in the question.

To determine if a set of ordered pairs is a function, every input (usually the first element in each pair) must be associated with exactly one output (usually the second element in the pair). If any input is associated with more than one output, the set does not represent a function.

Assuming the set of ordered pairs is indeed a function, to determine if it is linear or nonlinear, you would typically look for a constant rate of change between the x-values (inputs) and y-values (outputs). A linear function would display a consistent change, while a nonlinear function would have rates of change that vary.

Without the actual set of ordered pairs to analyze, we cannot accurately pick one of the responses you've provided. Could you please provide the set of ordered pairs so we can determine if they represent a function and, if so, whether it is linear or nonlinear?