What was another name for the French and Indian War?

The French and British War
The Ohio River Valley War
The Seven Years War
The War at Fort Duquesne

The French and Indian War was also known as The Seven Years' War. It was a global conflict that took place between 1756 and 1763, which included major battles fought in Europe and colonial theaters such as North America. In North America, the war was primarily between the British and the French, with each side supported by military units from their home countries and by American Indian allies. At the conclusion of the war, Britain had gained control over the territory of New France, leading to a significant shift in the balance of power in North America.

just pick the correct answer

The Seven Years' War.

The French and Indian War was also known as the Seven Years War.

To find the answer to this question, we can start by doing a general search using a search engine such as Google. You can simply type in the question, "What was another name for the French and Indian War?" and review the search results. Often, you will find reliable sources, such as history websites or scholarly articles, that provide the answer. In this case, you would find that the Seven Years War was an alternative name for the French and Indian War. It is always important to cross-reference information from multiple sources to ensure accuracy.