Based on current climate trends, which technological innovation could help solve an environmental issue that is likely to threaten Australia in the future?(1 point)ResponsesWater catchments could help stop overfishing.Water catchments could help stop overfishing.Water catchments could help slow climate change.Water catchments could help slow climate change.Using electric cars could help slow climate change.Using electric cars could help slow climate change.Using electric cars could help lessen droughts.Using electric cars could help lessen droughts.

Using electric cars could help slow climate change.

Electric vehicles (EVs) produce fewer emissions than conventional internal combustion engine vehicles because they are powered by electricity, which can be generated from renewable sources such as solar, wind, or hydroelectric power. By reducing the reliance on fossil fuels for transportation, electric cars can contribute to decreasing greenhouse gas emissions, which is a significant factor in climate change. Slowing down climate change can, in turn, mitigate some of the associated environmental issues such as extreme weather events, rising sea levels, and temperature extremes, all of which can have various impacts on Australia.

So the answer is? A b c or d

Apologies for any confusion. Based on the options provided, the answer would be:

C. Using electric cars could help slow climate change.

The technological innovation that could help solve an environmental issue that is likely to threaten Australia in the future is using water catchments to help lessen droughts.

Explanation: Water catchments are systems or structures built to capture and store rainfall or other sources of water. These catchments can be used to collect and store water during times of rainfall or excessive water supply, which can then be used during droughts or periods of water scarcity. By efficiently managing and utilizing water catchments, countries like Australia can mitigate the impact of droughts and ensure a more sustainable water supply for its population and ecosystems.

To arrive at this answer, we can analyze the given options:

- Overfishing is not directly related to the environmental issue of droughts in Australia, so using water catchments would not help stop overfishing.

- Electric cars are focused on reducing greenhouse gas emissions and mitigating climate change. While they can indirectly impact water availability by reducing pollution and its effects on the climate, they do not directly address the issue of droughts.

Therefore, the best option is using water catchments to help lessen droughts and ensure a sustainable water supply in the face of changing climate trends.