a) Briefly explain ONE historical event or development in the period

1824 to 1840 that demonstrated the spread of democracy and the
“politics of the common man.”
(b) Briefly explain how ONE specific group in the period 1824 to 1840
did not share in the spread of democracy and the “politics of the
common man.”
(c) Briefly explain ONE historical event or development in the period
1824 to 1840 that demonstrated the growth of political parties.

Make your answers two short sentences

(a) The election of Andrew Jackson in 1828 exemplified the spread of democracy and the "politics of the common man," as it was driven by a new approach to electioneering that appealed directly to the interests and passions of a broader swath of the white male electorate. Jackson's victory was facilitated by new legislation that expanded voting rights by eliminating the property-ownership requirement for white males in many states.

(b) African Americans, both enslaved and free, did not share in the spread of democracy and the "politics of the common man" as they were largely denied the right to vote and participate in the political process. Moreover, enslaved individuals were subject to brutal conditions and a complete lack of political autonomy, while free African Americans faced widespread discrimination and exclusion from the political system.

(c) The formation of the Whig Party in the early 1830s demonstrated the growth of political parties, as it organized in opposition to President Jackson and the Democrats, promoting a platform that included support for the American System of a strong national bank, federal funding for internal improvements, and protective tariffs. This period marked the solidification of a two-party system that would dominate American politics for decades.

make those sentences much shorter

(a) Jackson's 1828 election showed democracy's rise, relying on wider white male suffrage.

(b) African Americans remained disenfranchised and largely outside the democratic system.
(c) The Whig Party's creation in the early 1830s marked the two-party system's emergence.

a) One historical event in the period of 1824 to 1840 that demonstrated the spread of democracy and the "politics of the common man" is the presidential election of 1828, which saw Andrew Jackson, a champion of the working class, win with significant support from ordinary citizens.

To find more specific information, you can search for resources or articles about the presidential election of 1828 and Andrew Jackson's campaign.

b) One specific group in the period of 1824 to 1840 that did not share in the spread of democracy and the "politics of the common man" were Indigenous peoples, as they faced forced removal from their ancestral lands through policies like the Indian Removal Act of 1830.
To learn more, you can research the Indian Removal Act and its impact on Indigenous communities during that time.

c) One historical event in the period of 1824 to 1840 that demonstrated the growth of political parties is the formation of the Whig Party in 1834 as a response to Andrew Jackson's policies and the increasing power of the Democratic Party.
To delve deeper, you can explore the founding of the Whig Party and its ideology during that period.