Kaylee has a points card for a movie theater.

She receives 80 rewards points just for signing up.
She earns 11.5 points for each visit to the movie theater.
She needs at least 210 points for a free movie ticket.

Which inequality can be used to determine vv, the minimum number of visits Kaylee needs to earn her first free movie ticket?

To determine the minimum number of visits Kaylee needs to earn her first free movie ticket, we start with the 80 rewards points she received just for signing up. After that, for each visit to the movie theater, she earns 11.5 points.

Let's denote the number of visits as "v". For each visit v, she receives 11.5 points. So, the total points earned from visits will be 11.5 * v. We will add this to the initial 80 points to get the total points.

To find out when she gets enough for a free movie ticket, we want the total number of points to be at least 210. This leads us to the following inequality:

80 + 11.5 * v ≥ 210

This inequality represents that the initial 80 points plus 11.5 points per movie visit should be equal to or exceed 210 points for her to get a free ticket. Kaylee needs to solve this inequality to find the minimum number of visits v that will earn her a free movie ticket.