Cassandra measured her height as 63 inches. That is 6 inches less than 3 times her younger brother's height. How tall is her younger brother?

Write an equation in the form px + q = r to represent this problem.

(2 points)

Box x + Box= Box

Let's denote her younger brother's height as x (in inches).

According to the information:

Cassandra's height = 3 times her brother's height - 6 inches

Cassandra's height is given as 63 inches, so:

63 = 3x - 6

Now we can reorganize this expression to fit the form px + q = r:

3x - 6 = 63


p = 3 (the multiplier for the brother's height x)
q = -6 (the amount subtracted from the triple of the brother's height)
r = 63 (Cassandra's actual height)

So the equation in the form px + q = r is:

3x - 6 = 63