Select the values that make the inequality 9d > 9 true. Then write an equivalent inequality, in terms of d.

(Numbers written in order from least to greatest going across.)

First, to find the values of d that make the inequality 9d > 9 true, we start by isolating d:

9d > 9

Divide both sides by 9 to solve for d:

d > 9/9

d > 1

So the inequality is true for any value of d that is greater than 1.

An equivalent inequality in terms of d would simply be:

d > 1

This means that any number greater than 1 can be a solution to the inequality. If you need to write a list of numbers larger than 1 in ascending order, you'd write something like:

1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, ..., 2, 3, 4, ..., and so on. All these are examples of numbers greater than 1.