Mario and Luigi plan to buy a Nintendo Switch for $299.00. Nintendo Switch games cost $59.99 each. They plan to purchase one console.

Use an algebraic expression to describe how much
they will spend, before sales tax, based on purchasing the console and the number of games. Let g represent the number of games.

To determine how much Mario and Luigi will spend based on the number of games they purchase, we create an algebraic expression that includes the cost of the Nintendo Switch console and the games.

- Cost of one Nintendo Switch console = $299.00
- Cost of one Nintendo Switch game = $59.99

Let g represent the number of games they purchase.

Total cost, C, without sales tax, can be expressed as:

C = (Cost of Nintendo Switch) + (Number of games) x (Cost per game)

So our algebraic expression for the total cost before sales tax is:

C = 299 + 59.99g

This expression allows you to calculate the total cost for any number of games that Mario and Luigi decide to purchase. Just substitute g with the number of games to find the total amount they will spend before sales tax.