14. Which of the following best states what Theodore Roosevelt believed about U.S. foreign policy in the Americas? Select the two correct answers.(1 point)


The US should start a war with Latin America
The US should start a war with Latin America

The US should spread democracy throughout Latin America
The US should spread democracy throughout Latin America

The US should help Latin American solve all of its problems
The US should help Latin American solve all of its problems

The US should police Latin America and had the right to do so

Theodore Roosevelt's beliefs about U.S. foreign policy in the Americas can best be encapsulated by the Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine, which stated that the United States had the right to exercise international police power and intervene in the affairs of Latin American countries if there was evidence of misconduct or instability that might invite European intervention. Thus, the two statements that best reflect Roosevelt's position are:

- The US should spread democracy throughout Latin America.
- The US should police Latin America and had the right to do so.

It's important to note that while Roosevelt did believe in spreading American influence and ideals, his approach to Latin America was more about preventing European interference and ensuring stability rather than strictly "spreading democracy." His policy had more to do with the assertion of U.S. power in the hemisphere and less about engaging in overt war with Latin American nations or solving all of their problems.