Answer the question in English by telling when you use the verb Ser. Give 2 uses of Ser.. **Think about the rhyme or DOCTOR acrostic.

The verb "ser" in Spanish is used for many fundamental descriptions and is often associated with the DOCTOR acronym to remind learners of its common uses. Two uses of "ser" are:

1. **D**escription: "Ser" is used to describe essential characteristics and qualities of a person, place, or thing, such as physical attributes, personality, and nationalities. For instance, "Ella es alta" (She is tall) or "Soy médico" (I am a doctor).

2. **O**rigin: "Ser" is used to express the origin of someone or something. This includes where someone is from or where something was made. For example, "Él es de España" (He is from Spain) or "La pizza es de Italia" (The pizza is from Italy).