Choose the statement that identifies one of the reasons Texas chose to found a navy during its revolution against Mexico.

One of the reasons Texas chose to found a navy during its revolution against Mexico was to protect its coastline and ports from Mexican naval attacks.

are you sure?

I apologize for the confusion. Let me clarify.

One of the reasons Texas chose to found a navy during its revolution against Mexico was to break the Mexican naval blockade and establish control over its own trade and supplies. By having a navy, Texas could defend its coastline and ensure the security of its ports, which were crucial for receiving provisions and support from other countries. Additionally, a navy could also serve as a deterrent against further Mexican naval attacks and give Texas an edge in naval warfare.

To identify one of the reasons Texas chose to found a navy during its revolution against Mexico, we need to consider the historical context of the Texas Revolution. The Texas Revolution took place from 1835 to 1836, when the territory of Texas in Mexico declared its independence. One of the key motivations behind the decision to establish a navy was the need to secure and protect the coastline of Texas.

During the revolution, Texas found itself particularly vulnerable to attacks from the sea as Mexico was a stronger military power with its own navy. By creating a navy, Texas aimed to bolster its defenses and establish control over its coastal waters, including the Gulf of Mexico. This strategic move would help protect Texas from potential naval invasions, blockade attempts, or maritime assaults by the Mexican forces.

Additionally, the establishment of a navy allowed Texas to enhance its prospects for international recognition and support. By showcasing a naval presence, Texas hoped to demonstrate its ability to safeguard its interests and assert its autonomy as a separate entity from Mexico. This not only served as a deterrent against potential adversaries but also signaled Texas's determination to protect its nascent independence.

In summary, one of the reasons why Texas chose to found a navy during its revolution against Mexico was to defend its coastline from potential naval attacks, secure its waters, and establish itself as a legitimate and autonomous entity capable of protecting its interests.