In simple terms, how did Jefferson feel about the power of judicial review declared in Marbury v. Madison?

In simple terms, Jefferson was not a fan of the power of judicial review declared in Marbury v. Madison. He believed that it gave too much power to the judiciary branch of the government and threatened the balance of power between the branches.

In simple terms, what were the goals of Lewis and Clark’s expedition to the west?

In simple terms, the goals of Lewis and Clark's expedition to the west were to explore and map the newly acquired Louisiana Territory, find a direct water route to the Pacific Ocean, and document the natural resources, plants, and animals they encountered along the way. They also aimed to establish relationships with Native American tribes and gather information about the region's geography, climate, and potential for settlement.

Shorter please

In simple terms, Lewis and Clark's goals were to explore new lands, find a way to the Pacific Ocean, learn about plants and animals, and make friends with Native Americans.

In simple terms, what was Jefferson trying to avoid with the passage of the Embargo Act?

In simple terms, Jefferson was trying to prevent American ships from being attacked by British and French forces during the Napoleonic Wars by placing an embargo, or a trade ban, on all foreign nations. He wanted to avoid getting involved in the war and protect American interests.

Can you make it shorter please?

In simple terms, Jefferson wanted to avoid American ships being attacked by Britain and France during their war, so he stopped all trade with foreign countries through the Embargo Act.